Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Missing My Walk

My life has been so hectic this past week. At the moment Amy has been put on bed rest, so she doesn't have her baby way too early. I told Spencer it is his job to go to work and pay the bills so we have a roof over our heads. Amy's job is to rest and let Jayden grow bigger and stronger. My job seems to be everything else. Well, at least the taking care of the kids, taking care of the animals, cooking, cleaning, laundry and doing my garden. And I'm about at the end of my rope and so stressed out.

Unfortunately at a time when I desperately need my morning walk, I haven't been able to do it. The boys always get up and run to their mom. So I want to be home to stop them and let her rest. Luckily Tony is here helping out. But I still just don't seem to be able to get that walk in. I miss it so much. Who would have thought that I would be addicted to exercise? Certainly not me.

So my goal for today is to find time to get that walk in. I prefer to walk in the morning. In order to do that, it might mean getting up way before 6 am to go.

1 comment:

  1. I to have not been able to find time to walk. I miss it. I usually walk in the enenings. Trevor got me out once last week and it felt great. I hope I can keep it up, as my energy increases, and I start to feel a little better. Keep it up
