Monday, April 13, 2009

Week Three

I've made it to week three. At least the beginning of week three. And the weather has been nice for a couple of days, so I can walk outside. One day last week I slipped my MP3 player and headphones in my purse. I got to work early, so I walked around the shop. Now to do 15 minutes is about 15 laps around that shop. And the guys just think it is hilarious to watch me. As I would make the loop, I would find obstacles in my path. They would be watching me out of the corner of their eye just to see my reaction. Wow, I must be dedicated if I'm willing to put up with that abuse. LOL

A couple times now I've gotten off work, changed my clothes and walked to the daycare to get Max. Today I had to walk there and do a few more blocks to get my fifteen minutes. I want to do the whole fifteen at once and not take a break in the middle while getting Max. I did the fifteen and then picked him up. So in total I walked twenty-two minutes.

Then there is the weight machine. I've made progress. I was only able to do ten pounds for the first couple of weeks. But that is too easy now, so I've raised it to fifteen. I realize that isn't a big accomplishment to some people, but I'll take any improvement right now.

After dinner Monique wanted to go to the track and walk. So we grabbed the dogs and Max and away we went. It's only about three minutes to the track. She said she needs to be able to jog a ten minute mile for PE. She did it in 11:10, so we have to keep working. It takes me about 25 minutes to walk a mile. I think I could have done it faster, but my feet were hurting. I really need a new pair of shows. I read that someone who is seriously training for a 5K will go through a pair of shoes every three months. Wow, that will get expensive.

The one thing I have found is that my mental attitude is so much better with my workouts. In fact, I can't stand missing them. I do believe I'm addicted to fitness. Go figure! LOL

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