Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Worst Part of theFlu

I had a couple grandkids start to get a stomach bug or 'flu' as we all call it this weekend. Monday morning I woke up feeling awful. I got ready and headed to work because most of the time as the day goes on, I feel better. After an hour, I knew it was time to head home before I lost what little I had for breakfast all over my desk. I got home, ate a couple of soda crackers and headed to bed. And all I did for the next 24 hours was sleep and wake up to run to the bathroom. There was a time when I thought I was going to have to get better to die.

Yesterday I took the day off again. I have a few sick days at work, so I figured it was better to use one and try to rest up and get totally better. By last night I was a lot better, and then it hit me! With being sick both Monday and Tuesday, I hadn't done my walking. And this was the week that I was to start with a 28 minutes walk with two minutes of it running. Wow, to think that the worst thing I could think of was that I had missed my workout. What a change I've made.

So I went to work and thought all day about what time I'd get the walk done. I have found it is so much easier to get it done right after work. So I hurried home, changed my clothes, grabbed a drink and my mp3 player and headed up the road. Oh, I also grabbed the leash and Buster cuz he was loose again. I love walking cuz I can take a different route. Today I did right to the light before I crossed the road cuz I figured that would be easier. And there is a tiny little up and downhill under the freeway which was kind of fun. As I got back to the baseball fields, I jogged through the parking lot. I've got to figure out a better way to keep track of the time. I wore two stop watches thinking that would work. But I had to stop and check the one when I got tired to see how long I'd jogged. I might have to find a countdown timer that I can set for two minutes and start it when I'm ready.

Now here is where any of you help me. Are there any of you out there reading this? Hello, can I hear you breathing? I'm not sure actually. But if anybody is reading this, please give me your ideas on how to best time a two minutes run in the middle of a walk.


  1. My suggestion is a timer. You can buy ones that have clips on them and you can clip it to a waist band or something.

    But I also have another suggestion. I'm going to divide my walk time in 1/3s. I will walk 1/3 and then do 1/2 of the jog, 1/3 of the walk, 1/2 of the jog and the final 1/3 of the walk.

  2. I have a's an ugly runner's watch, but incredibly functional, so I wear it. It's not too fancy, but it has a stop watch (over all time) and a timer that beeps (2 min run).
    Good luck!

  3. Sorry to hear you too had the flu. Jaxson and I had it and it horrible. I felt so bad watching Jaxson go through it for a week. I think you idea of a countdown timer would be the very best. Maybe you could get a cheap watch that does that and set it for two minutes and when it starts beeping you know you're done. Way to go with running. I hate running but I love the way you feel afterwards and it's such a great workout for your whole body. I'm so proud of you Aunt Susan I love hearing your journey so keep on posting.=)
