I'm still planning to run the 5K in Provo next July 4th. I want to know how many people are still planning on running with me. I know I haven't been posting regularly, but that is going to change. I finally hit my first major goal last month. For the first time in over 25 years the scale is under 200 lbs. I started working out on the treadmill at the rec center. I like knowing how fast I am walking. And I started adding some very slow jogging. I have a heart rate monitor to keep track of how high my heart beats. And I can get it up to 170 when I jog for 60 seconds. So I'm only during about 3 intervals jogging. But I am finding out that it is quite the high just to be able to do it at all.
So now I'm doing some serious 5K training. Any of you got some wonderful advice for me? Please share.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Back on the Band Wagon
Although I haven't been posting lately, I have been trying to get my workouts done. September was hard month around here. Bouts of colds and flu kept us all under the weather or busy taking care of sick ones. I still have s light head cold, but I'm back getting my workouts in.
I absolutely love my heart monitor. It makes riding the exercise bike so much more challenging. I don't have to ride with my hands on the handles to watch my heart rate. I love being able to keep track of how hard I'm working. And I've learned that intervals are definitely the way to work out.
The weather here has turned pretty cold in the morning. And I've so missed my walks. So this morning I got up, laced up my walking shoes and went to the rec center. I really don't like walking indoors. But since winter is fast approaching, I better get used to it. Either I walk in the mornings at the rec center or I get it done right after work when it's still a little warm. My goal is to do 3 days on the bike and 3 days walking.
I put on my heart rate monitor and my pedometer. I've tested the pedometer at the walking park, so I know it's pretty accurate. That is much easier than having to count laps. It takes about 14 to make a mile. I walked for about 25 minutes and then starting doing some short jogging intervals. It was probably only about 1/4 of the track, but it's a start. And I have to say that it did get my heart rate up. I've got to figure out a way to keep track of how many intervals I do. Not sure how to work that out. Right now I can't jog each time around the track. I jog then walk a couple laps then jog again. But it felt so good that I could even jog at all. By the end of the my 60 minutes my legs were burning. I'm sure I'll be a little sore tomorrow, but I did it. My goal has been to do 3 miles in the 60 minutes. Because of the jogs I ended up going 3.15 miles. This is so addictive. If somebody would have told me years ago that I would desperately miss my workouts, I would have told them they were stark raving mad. But I do. My days go better when I get up and workout first thing. I have learned that working out helps me mentally and emotionally as much as it does the physical. Maybe even more.
I absolutely love my heart monitor. It makes riding the exercise bike so much more challenging. I don't have to ride with my hands on the handles to watch my heart rate. I love being able to keep track of how hard I'm working. And I've learned that intervals are definitely the way to work out.
The weather here has turned pretty cold in the morning. And I've so missed my walks. So this morning I got up, laced up my walking shoes and went to the rec center. I really don't like walking indoors. But since winter is fast approaching, I better get used to it. Either I walk in the mornings at the rec center or I get it done right after work when it's still a little warm. My goal is to do 3 days on the bike and 3 days walking.
I put on my heart rate monitor and my pedometer. I've tested the pedometer at the walking park, so I know it's pretty accurate. That is much easier than having to count laps. It takes about 14 to make a mile. I walked for about 25 minutes and then starting doing some short jogging intervals. It was probably only about 1/4 of the track, but it's a start. And I have to say that it did get my heart rate up. I've got to figure out a way to keep track of how many intervals I do. Not sure how to work that out. Right now I can't jog each time around the track. I jog then walk a couple laps then jog again. But it felt so good that I could even jog at all. By the end of the my 60 minutes my legs were burning. I'm sure I'll be a little sore tomorrow, but I did it. My goal has been to do 3 miles in the 60 minutes. Because of the jogs I ended up going 3.15 miles. This is so addictive. If somebody would have told me years ago that I would desperately miss my workouts, I would have told them they were stark raving mad. But I do. My days go better when I get up and workout first thing. I have learned that working out helps me mentally and emotionally as much as it does the physical. Maybe even more.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Missing My Walk
My life has been so hectic this past week. At the moment Amy has been put on bed rest, so she doesn't have her baby way too early. I told Spencer it is his job to go to work and pay the bills so we have a roof over our heads. Amy's job is to rest and let Jayden grow bigger and stronger. My job seems to be everything else. Well, at least the taking care of the kids, taking care of the animals, cooking, cleaning, laundry and doing my garden. And I'm about at the end of my rope and so stressed out.
Unfortunately at a time when I desperately need my morning walk, I haven't been able to do it. The boys always get up and run to their mom. So I want to be home to stop them and let her rest. Luckily Tony is here helping out. But I still just don't seem to be able to get that walk in. I miss it so much. Who would have thought that I would be addicted to exercise? Certainly not me.
So my goal for today is to find time to get that walk in. I prefer to walk in the morning. In order to do that, it might mean getting up way before 6 am to go.
Unfortunately at a time when I desperately need my morning walk, I haven't been able to do it. The boys always get up and run to their mom. So I want to be home to stop them and let her rest. Luckily Tony is here helping out. But I still just don't seem to be able to get that walk in. I miss it so much. Who would have thought that I would be addicted to exercise? Certainly not me.
So my goal for today is to find time to get that walk in. I prefer to walk in the morning. In order to do that, it might mean getting up way before 6 am to go.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
One Whole Hour
This morning I was determined to increase the time I walk. I admit I haven't been as consistent as I should be. I generally either walk or do the bike 4-5 days a week. I have been walking about 45 minutes when I go. I got a new pedometer because I couldn't find the old one. I set the distance I step the way it told me. However, I think I'm going to check that again. Then after I got to the park I dropped it. So only about 1/2 the numbers are readable. UGGGGG!
Now back to the point is the fact that this morning, August 5th, I walked for 60 full minutes. The last ten were a lot slower than the rest of it. I was getting tired. But the satisfaction I felt when I finished was unbelievable. And that feelings is helping me get through the soreness in my legs I'm feeling.
I did it!!!
Now back to the point is the fact that this morning, August 5th, I walked for 60 full minutes. The last ten were a lot slower than the rest of it. I was getting tired. But the satisfaction I felt when I finished was unbelievable. And that feelings is helping me get through the soreness in my legs I'm feeling.
I did it!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
True Confessions
Ok, for anyone following this blog, it's probably not a secret that I'm not doing so well at following my program. The fact that I haven't blogged in weeks has probably made that very plain. I have maintained my weight loss and haven't gained, but have fluctuated up and down a couple pounds. Since my move my exercise routine has been sporadic. Especially the last two weeks. So instead of avoiding blogging because I'm feeling guilty, I'm admitting it. I'm going to start blogging no matter how good or bad I'm doing.
This morning I woke up just before 6 am. I have been having tummy troubles lately. So that has been my best excuse for not walking. This morning I kept talking myself out of walking and falling back to sleep. Finally at 6:45 I crawled out of bed, threw on some clothes and drove to the park. We do have the most gorgeous walking park not far from my house. It meanders through trees and you just feel like you are out in the middle of nowhere. I love it. However, I only went for 22 minutes before realizing I needed to quit and head home. It wasn't my usual 45 minutes, but it was better than staying in bed. Yeah for me!
This morning I woke up just before 6 am. I have been having tummy troubles lately. So that has been my best excuse for not walking. This morning I kept talking myself out of walking and falling back to sleep. Finally at 6:45 I crawled out of bed, threw on some clothes and drove to the park. We do have the most gorgeous walking park not far from my house. It meanders through trees and you just feel like you are out in the middle of nowhere. I love it. However, I only went for 22 minutes before realizing I needed to quit and head home. It wasn't my usual 45 minutes, but it was better than staying in bed. Yeah for me!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I found out this morning that working on new exercise equipment can be dangerous. I'm in Cheyenne, Wyoming this week. A friend had to come over for meeting, so I rode along. It's my last trip for a while, so I thought I'd take advantage of it. He went to his meeting this morning, and I headed to the fitness center at the motel.
They had two treadmills, a stepper and a bike. I love riding an exercise bike. The hardest part is figuring out the controls. I programmed a warm up which was seven minutes and kept going up in intensity. I love being able to program things cuz my bike has none of that. It broke a long ago and I can't even adjust the tension. After the warm up I put it on manual so I could do my intervals. I loved watching my speed and heart rate. I started out on intensity 2 and did the first one minute interval at 4. Then the next one was at 5 and I only went back to 3 for the regular part. Two just seemed too easy after the interval. I did a couple intervals at 5 and the last one was at 7 just to see if I could do it. I have learned I can do anything for either thirty seconds or a minute. When I got off the bike, I was on such a high. Exercise is addicting.
Now for the dangerous part. It's dangerous on my pocketbook. I want a new bike. I want one that I can program and change the intensity on. So all my change is going in a jar for a bike. I hope to have one by the time the weather gets yucky this fall and I can't walk outdoors.
They had two treadmills, a stepper and a bike. I love riding an exercise bike. The hardest part is figuring out the controls. I programmed a warm up which was seven minutes and kept going up in intensity. I love being able to program things cuz my bike has none of that. It broke a long ago and I can't even adjust the tension. After the warm up I put it on manual so I could do my intervals. I loved watching my speed and heart rate. I started out on intensity 2 and did the first one minute interval at 4. Then the next one was at 5 and I only went back to 3 for the regular part. Two just seemed too easy after the interval. I did a couple intervals at 5 and the last one was at 7 just to see if I could do it. I have learned I can do anything for either thirty seconds or a minute. When I got off the bike, I was on such a high. Exercise is addicting.
Now for the dangerous part. It's dangerous on my pocketbook. I want a new bike. I want one that I can program and change the intensity on. So all my change is going in a jar for a bike. I hope to have one by the time the weather gets yucky this fall and I can't walk outdoors.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
$85 and Five Minutes
A couple months ago on a bad weather day I went up to the rec center and walked ound their track. It takes 11 3/4 times around to equal a mile. It took me twenty-five minutes to walk that mile. My feet hurt, I was out of breath and it was a tough walk. I have tried to walk at least 3 days a week since then. I have to be honest and admit sometimes it is only two. Sometimes it was with my walking DVD in the house. Springtime in the Rockies isn't the best.
Tonight I decided to try a little test. I walked over to the middle school track which took 2:15. A mile there is only four times around. I started around the track. At the end of the first 1/4 a mile it was only 7:15. Pretty good. Amazingly enough I was pretty much able to keep up the pace the whole walk. The feet felt pretty good. At the end of the mile my stop watch read 22:17. That means I walked the mile in 20 minutes!
Now I will explain the rest of the title. Last weekend I went to Salt Lake City to look for a new pair of shoes. I'm the kind of person who used to go to Walmart for shoes. Then when I worked on my feet I started buying nicer shoes at Payless. A year ago I went to Sketchers in Park City and paid an outrageous amount for a pair of shoes. Two of us went in together cuz the special was buy one, get one half off. So I think they ended up being about $40. That seemed very high to me, but they were worth it. It was nice to go to work and not have my feet hurt. I can almost tell my weight by how my feet feel after a day of work. I knew last summer I had gained weight because my feet hurt, and I wasn't on them all day.
Two weeks ago a friend of Lala's brought me a pair of shoes. She said her Grandmother had given them to her, but they didn't fit. They are Reeboks and felt very nice on although they were obviously well worn. But what I liked the best was that they are very light shoes. I hadn't realized how heavy the sketchers are until then. So I ended up at New Balance in Salt Lake on Saturday.
The first thing they did was have me take off my shoes and walk over a gel-filled pad. Then she showed me the image that shows I have fallen arches (big surprise) and put a lot of weight on my big toes when I walk. She showed me several shoes. She also was able to explain the difference between the different kind of shoes such as walking, running, cross trainers, etc. She told me Sketchers are good shoes, but they are heavy. Well, my little 7 1/2 feet are now a size 8 1/2 D. She told me your feet can grow 1/2 a size every five years. I knew they were wide, I think that comes from all the years of going barefoot. At least that is what Mom always told me.

I finally settled on a these shoes. They actually felt better than the $95 dollar pair. Skeeter was with me, and helped encourage me. He told me it wasn't like I was buying shows to sit at an office desk or watch tv in. These shoes are an investment in my health, and I've proven I'm serious about the life style changes I've made. He even said he'd pay for them. So I bit the bullet and pulled out the debit card.
Since then I've taken a couple of walks in them and absolutely love them. My feet are tired when I get home. But they don't hurt the way they did. I know that is part of the reason I shaved five minutes off my time. By the third lap around the track I would slow down because my feet were hurting. So all in all, it was a good investment. Now we'll see how long they last.
Tonight I decided to try a little test. I walked over to the middle school track which took 2:15. A mile there is only four times around. I started around the track. At the end of the first 1/4 a mile it was only 7:15. Pretty good. Amazingly enough I was pretty much able to keep up the pace the whole walk. The feet felt pretty good. At the end of the mile my stop watch read 22:17. That means I walked the mile in 20 minutes!
Now I will explain the rest of the title. Last weekend I went to Salt Lake City to look for a new pair of shoes. I'm the kind of person who used to go to Walmart for shoes. Then when I worked on my feet I started buying nicer shoes at Payless. A year ago I went to Sketchers in Park City and paid an outrageous amount for a pair of shoes. Two of us went in together cuz the special was buy one, get one half off. So I think they ended up being about $40. That seemed very high to me, but they were worth it. It was nice to go to work and not have my feet hurt. I can almost tell my weight by how my feet feel after a day of work. I knew last summer I had gained weight because my feet hurt, and I wasn't on them all day.
Two weeks ago a friend of Lala's brought me a pair of shoes. She said her Grandmother had given them to her, but they didn't fit. They are Reeboks and felt very nice on although they were obviously well worn. But what I liked the best was that they are very light shoes. I hadn't realized how heavy the sketchers are until then. So I ended up at New Balance in Salt Lake on Saturday.
The first thing they did was have me take off my shoes and walk over a gel-filled pad. Then she showed me the image that shows I have fallen arches (big surprise) and put a lot of weight on my big toes when I walk. She showed me several shoes. She also was able to explain the difference between the different kind of shoes such as walking, running, cross trainers, etc. She told me Sketchers are good shoes, but they are heavy. Well, my little 7 1/2 feet are now a size 8 1/2 D. She told me your feet can grow 1/2 a size every five years. I knew they were wide, I think that comes from all the years of going barefoot. At least that is what Mom always told me.
I finally settled on a these shoes. They actually felt better than the $95 dollar pair. Skeeter was with me, and helped encourage me. He told me it wasn't like I was buying shows to sit at an office desk or watch tv in. These shoes are an investment in my health, and I've proven I'm serious about the life style changes I've made. He even said he'd pay for them. So I bit the bullet and pulled out the debit card.
Since then I've taken a couple of walks in them and absolutely love them. My feet are tired when I get home. But they don't hurt the way they did. I know that is part of the reason I shaved five minutes off my time. By the third lap around the track I would slow down because my feet were hurting. So all in all, it was a good investment. Now we'll see how long they last.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Worst Part of theFlu
I had a couple grandkids start to get a stomach bug or 'flu' as we all call it this weekend. Monday morning I woke up feeling awful. I got ready and headed to work because most of the time as the day goes on, I feel better. After an hour, I knew it was time to head home before I lost what little I had for breakfast all over my desk. I got home, ate a couple of soda crackers and headed to bed. And all I did for the next 24 hours was sleep and wake up to run to the bathroom. There was a time when I thought I was going to have to get better to die.
Yesterday I took the day off again. I have a few sick days at work, so I figured it was better to use one and try to rest up and get totally better. By last night I was a lot better, and then it hit me! With being sick both Monday and Tuesday, I hadn't done my walking. And this was the week that I was to start with a 28 minutes walk with two minutes of it running. Wow, to think that the worst thing I could think of was that I had missed my workout. What a change I've made.
So I went to work and thought all day about what time I'd get the walk done. I have found it is so much easier to get it done right after work. So I hurried home, changed my clothes, grabbed a drink and my mp3 player and headed up the road. Oh, I also grabbed the leash and Buster cuz he was loose again. I love walking cuz I can take a different route. Today I did right to the light before I crossed the road cuz I figured that would be easier. And there is a tiny little up and downhill under the freeway which was kind of fun. As I got back to the baseball fields, I jogged through the parking lot. I've got to figure out a better way to keep track of the time. I wore two stop watches thinking that would work. But I had to stop and check the one when I got tired to see how long I'd jogged. I might have to find a countdown timer that I can set for two minutes and start it when I'm ready.
Now here is where any of you help me. Are there any of you out there reading this? Hello, can I hear you breathing? I'm not sure actually. But if anybody is reading this, please give me your ideas on how to best time a two minutes run in the middle of a walk.
Yesterday I took the day off again. I have a few sick days at work, so I figured it was better to use one and try to rest up and get totally better. By last night I was a lot better, and then it hit me! With being sick both Monday and Tuesday, I hadn't done my walking. And this was the week that I was to start with a 28 minutes walk with two minutes of it running. Wow, to think that the worst thing I could think of was that I had missed my workout. What a change I've made.
So I went to work and thought all day about what time I'd get the walk done. I have found it is so much easier to get it done right after work. So I hurried home, changed my clothes, grabbed a drink and my mp3 player and headed up the road. Oh, I also grabbed the leash and Buster cuz he was loose again. I love walking cuz I can take a different route. Today I did right to the light before I crossed the road cuz I figured that would be easier. And there is a tiny little up and downhill under the freeway which was kind of fun. As I got back to the baseball fields, I jogged through the parking lot. I've got to figure out a better way to keep track of the time. I wore two stop watches thinking that would work. But I had to stop and check the one when I got tired to see how long I'd jogged. I might have to find a countdown timer that I can set for two minutes and start it when I'm ready.
Now here is where any of you help me. Are there any of you out there reading this? Hello, can I hear you breathing? I'm not sure actually. But if anybody is reading this, please give me your ideas on how to best time a two minutes run in the middle of a walk.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Week Three
I've made it to week three. At least the beginning of week three. And the weather has been nice for a couple of days, so I can walk outside. One day last week I slipped my MP3 player and headphones in my purse. I got to work early, so I walked around the shop. Now to do 15 minutes is about 15 laps around that shop. And the guys just think it is hilarious to watch me. As I would make the loop, I would find obstacles in my path. They would be watching me out of the corner of their eye just to see my reaction. Wow, I must be dedicated if I'm willing to put up with that abuse. LOL
A couple times now I've gotten off work, changed my clothes and walked to the daycare to get Max. Today I had to walk there and do a few more blocks to get my fifteen minutes. I want to do the whole fifteen at once and not take a break in the middle while getting Max. I did the fifteen and then picked him up. So in total I walked twenty-two minutes.
Then there is the weight machine. I've made progress. I was only able to do ten pounds for the first couple of weeks. But that is too easy now, so I've raised it to fifteen. I realize that isn't a big accomplishment to some people, but I'll take any improvement right now.
After dinner Monique wanted to go to the track and walk. So we grabbed the dogs and Max and away we went. It's only about three minutes to the track. She said she needs to be able to jog a ten minute mile for PE. She did it in 11:10, so we have to keep working. It takes me about 25 minutes to walk a mile. I think I could have done it faster, but my feet were hurting. I really need a new pair of shows. I read that someone who is seriously training for a 5K will go through a pair of shoes every three months. Wow, that will get expensive.
The one thing I have found is that my mental attitude is so much better with my workouts. In fact, I can't stand missing them. I do believe I'm addicted to fitness. Go figure! LOL
A couple times now I've gotten off work, changed my clothes and walked to the daycare to get Max. Today I had to walk there and do a few more blocks to get my fifteen minutes. I want to do the whole fifteen at once and not take a break in the middle while getting Max. I did the fifteen and then picked him up. So in total I walked twenty-two minutes.
Then there is the weight machine. I've made progress. I was only able to do ten pounds for the first couple of weeks. But that is too easy now, so I've raised it to fifteen. I realize that isn't a big accomplishment to some people, but I'll take any improvement right now.
After dinner Monique wanted to go to the track and walk. So we grabbed the dogs and Max and away we went. It's only about three minutes to the track. She said she needs to be able to jog a ten minute mile for PE. She did it in 11:10, so we have to keep working. It takes me about 25 minutes to walk a mile. I think I could have done it faster, but my feet were hurting. I really need a new pair of shows. I read that someone who is seriously training for a 5K will go through a pair of shoes every three months. Wow, that will get expensive.
The one thing I have found is that my mental attitude is so much better with my workouts. In fact, I can't stand missing them. I do believe I'm addicted to fitness. Go figure! LOL
Monday, April 6, 2009
Outdoors vs Indoors
I have decided it is a good thing this 5K isn't inside on a treadmill. I got on last night about 9 pm without putting boards under it to make it level. I went quite slow, only 1.7 mph, but after 11 minutes I had to stop. I was having trouble getting my breath and my chest hurt. It took me about ten minutes to feel back to normal. I'm not sure I'll try that again.
When I got off work today I came home and parked the car. Then I walked to the daycare to pick up Max. He liked walking home, and I couldn't believe how easy it was. It is only 4 or 5 blocks there, but it was a nice little walk. When I got there I had been walking about 6 1/2 minutes, so I just walked a couple more minutes then turned around. When I hit the gate again, I had done my ten minutes. Total time until we got home was 16 minutes. And it felt so good to be outdoors and the sun was shining and the snow is melting and maybe spring is here. If I wake up to snow tomorrow, I'm going to be so mad.
When I got off work today I came home and parked the car. Then I walked to the daycare to pick up Max. He liked walking home, and I couldn't believe how easy it was. It is only 4 or 5 blocks there, but it was a nice little walk. When I got there I had been walking about 6 1/2 minutes, so I just walked a couple more minutes then turned around. When I hit the gate again, I had done my ten minutes. Total time until we got home was 16 minutes. And it felt so good to be outdoors and the sun was shining and the snow is melting and maybe spring is here. If I wake up to snow tomorrow, I'm going to be so mad.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Walking: Day Two
I got off work today and decided to get my walking in before everybody gets home. If I wait before I know it, it's bedtime and I haven't gotten it done. So I pulled up the Couch to 5k site to see how far. Of course, I was sure it was ten minutes the first week. Oh, wow, it's 15 minutes today. The weather outside is so awful. The wind is blowing like crazy and it's even trying to snow again. So fifteen minutes on the treadmill with the incline? Oh, no way.

I spent five minutes looking for boards to put under the end, so it would be level. Then I thought 'oh, good grief. By the time you find the boards you'll be out of time. You did it for ten minutes, you can do it for 15 or die trying." As I pulled the treadmill out, I realized there were a couple wooden shelves back there, so I did cheat a little and put them under the back legs. It made a little difference. I figured it needs about 2 1/2 inches to be level, and this added maybe 1 inch. So I bit the bullet and got on and turned it on.
It really frustrated me that I can't just walk without holding on. I read an article online that says if you hold on at all you are taking some of your weight off and not getting as good of a workout. So I turned it on to 1.7 mph and started walking. I was able to do quite a bit without holding one. Then I would get a little wobbly and hold on for a few seconds. I also was able to up the speed to 2.2 for maybe 6 minutes in the middle. I did the 15 minutes!

I spent five minutes looking for boards to put under the end, so it would be level. Then I thought 'oh, good grief. By the time you find the boards you'll be out of time. You did it for ten minutes, you can do it for 15 or die trying." As I pulled the treadmill out, I realized there were a couple wooden shelves back there, so I did cheat a little and put them under the back legs. It made a little difference. I figured it needs about 2 1/2 inches to be level, and this added maybe 1 inch. So I bit the bullet and got on and turned it on.
It really frustrated me that I can't just walk without holding on. I read an article online that says if you hold on at all you are taking some of your weight off and not getting as good of a workout. So I turned it on to 1.7 mph and started walking. I was able to do quite a bit without holding one. Then I would get a little wobbly and hold on for a few seconds. I also was able to up the speed to 2.2 for maybe 6 minutes in the middle. I did the 15 minutes!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Day One
Ok, yesterday was a bad day, and I did not get my walking done. Good thing I planned to start yesterday, cuz I did get it done today. I haven't gotten home until almost 5, and by the time I do supper and bedtime for the kids; all I wanna do is go to bed. But luckily The Biggest Loser was on tonight. What am I going to do when it's not on anymore? It is my motivation. Of course, it was too cold and dark to walk then. So I pulled out the treadmill. Now I have never been able to walk on a treadmill. I can do the bike for 40 minutes, but something about treadmills and my coordination doesn't work. Plus we have lost the legs for it, so I didn't think about the incline. At least not until I'd been walking for about a minute, and I realized it was like walking uphill. I decided I wouldn't look at my stopwatch until the first song was over. Then a faster song came on, and that helped. When that one finished, I realized the time was on the treadmill and I had gone over six minutes. Well, at that point, I couldn't stop. I was ready to collapse when it finally hit the ten. But I did it! Not only did I walk on a treadmill and not fall off, I made it ten minutes at an incline. I still want to find that part. And maybe knowing how hard this is will help me walk on the level sidewalks during the day. LOL
Ok, anybody else out there starting this?
Ok, anybody else out there starting this?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Come On, Get Ready
I woke up this morning with an old Temptations song running through my head. At least the chorus was. It says (Get ready 'cause here I come) I'm on my way.
(Get ready 'cause here I come). And that's how I feel this morning. Here I come, world, watch out.
I am about to embark on a major change in my life. Just the idea of running the 5K is absolutely thrilling for me. I have heard from a few of you that you are going to be right there with me. I hope you will pass the word to anybody else you think might be interested. I hope more will join us. I'd love to see a big group there running. The training is scheduled to start on April 1st. But since that is a Wednesday, I have altered mine a little. I walked ten minutes for three days last week just to see if I could do it. I'm going to be doing my walking on Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday. So I will be starting today to train. Please let me know when you are starting. I realize it is a seven month program, and we could just start in Jan 2010. But who wants to start walking in January? This is Evanston in April, so it's gonna be hard enough to start now. We've had snow all last week, and the forecast is for more this week. I decided that this is still the best time of year to start, and I will just have to keep running when I'm done with the 7 months.
So, come on, get ready and join me. Let's do this in memory of Ru. Let's do this for each other. And let's just do this for you! I told Marsha last night that when I started back on my bike after surgery, I could only go 3 minutes at a very, very slow pace. I couldn't believe that was all I could do. But I did the 3 minutes and after a few days I could go 5. Now I ride at least 4 days a week at 40 minutes. This is not bragging here. This is just saying that if I can do it, anybody can. That was the first of December four months ago. Imagine how we will all feel and what we can do four months from now. Take baby steps, take it one week or one day at a time. Set small goals. Try it with me for 30 days and see how you feel. I think you will be amazed at the difference. And keep your comments coming here. Let me know how you are doing and how you feel. Keep encouraging each other. Because I know that we can all do this!
So come on, get ready, cuz here WE come! We're on our way.
(Get ready 'cause here I come). And that's how I feel this morning. Here I come, world, watch out.
I am about to embark on a major change in my life. Just the idea of running the 5K is absolutely thrilling for me. I have heard from a few of you that you are going to be right there with me. I hope you will pass the word to anybody else you think might be interested. I hope more will join us. I'd love to see a big group there running. The training is scheduled to start on April 1st. But since that is a Wednesday, I have altered mine a little. I walked ten minutes for three days last week just to see if I could do it. I'm going to be doing my walking on Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday. So I will be starting today to train. Please let me know when you are starting. I realize it is a seven month program, and we could just start in Jan 2010. But who wants to start walking in January? This is Evanston in April, so it's gonna be hard enough to start now. We've had snow all last week, and the forecast is for more this week. I decided that this is still the best time of year to start, and I will just have to keep running when I'm done with the 7 months.
So, come on, get ready and join me. Let's do this in memory of Ru. Let's do this for each other. And let's just do this for you! I told Marsha last night that when I started back on my bike after surgery, I could only go 3 minutes at a very, very slow pace. I couldn't believe that was all I could do. But I did the 3 minutes and after a few days I could go 5. Now I ride at least 4 days a week at 40 minutes. This is not bragging here. This is just saying that if I can do it, anybody can. That was the first of December four months ago. Imagine how we will all feel and what we can do four months from now. Take baby steps, take it one week or one day at a time. Set small goals. Try it with me for 30 days and see how you feel. I think you will be amazed at the difference. And keep your comments coming here. Let me know how you are doing and how you feel. Keep encouraging each other. Because I know that we can all do this!
So come on, get ready, cuz here WE come! We're on our way.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Advice from an Expert Pt. 2
I'm so bad at posting that I'm doing two today since I have the time. So here is more of what Chris told me. I asked him about working out with weights because we have an awesome weight machine in our garage. I asked which is best higher reps with lower weights or lower reps with higher weight.
1. Three days a week would be plenty and you should do both. People think low reps make you big but if that is all you had to do then everyone would walk around looking like Arnold.
I asked if I should do y legs one day and arms and chest the next day so I'm working out every day.
2. Just alternate. So if you do high reps Monday then do lower reps Wednesday and then high reps Friday. you should be doing full body workouts the two or three days a week you lift. Just move from one body part to body part without any rest. As an example you do chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs. You should be able to do this in 5-7 minutes as long as you don't take breaks between exercises. After legs you start right back over again and do this for 30 minutes.
3. It doesn't really matter what time of day you workout.
For those of you who have looked at the links on this blog, we have also started a yahoo group for those who would rather do that. I posted a message there about the advice Chris gave me, and my friend Angela said she wants to do this but hates running. So her question is: How did Chris get to love running so much? I'll be sure to ask him
1. Three days a week would be plenty and you should do both. People think low reps make you big but if that is all you had to do then everyone would walk around looking like Arnold.
I asked if I should do y legs one day and arms and chest the next day so I'm working out every day.
2. Just alternate. So if you do high reps Monday then do lower reps Wednesday and then high reps Friday. you should be doing full body workouts the two or three days a week you lift. Just move from one body part to body part without any rest. As an example you do chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs. You should be able to do this in 5-7 minutes as long as you don't take breaks between exercises. After legs you start right back over again and do this for 30 minutes.
3. It doesn't really matter what time of day you workout.
For those of you who have looked at the links on this blog, we have also started a yahoo group for those who would rather do that. I posted a message there about the advice Chris gave me, and my friend Angela said she wants to do this but hates running. So her question is: How did Chris get to love running so much? I'll be sure to ask him
Advice From an Expert Pt 1
My oldest son is an expert on health and staying in shape. He's been in the Army 14 years, and he runs every day more than I will in the 5k. So I caught him online to pick his brain. Here are the highlights of his advice:
1. Eating healthy is just as important as working out.
2. The most important thing is that you aren't on a 'diet' but instead are changing your eating habits. Diets end and then you go back to bad habits but if you change your habits then you will be successful in the long run.
3. Lots of vegetables (potatoes aren't vegetables, moderate amounts of whole fruits (no juice), whole grains which is different then things which say multigrain. You don't want multigrain, you want whole grains. Oatmeal, whole wheat, brown rice not white rice, and lean meats. also most people have a cheat day once a week but that doesn't mean you eat whatever you want because then you just ruin all the work you did all week. Evcen your cheat should be moderate.
4. Always remember that you have to burn 2500 calories to lose one pound which equals swimming 1 mile, running 12 miles or biking 50 miles.
5. I asked about sweet potatoes and his response was "no sweet potatoes are starches also. If it isn't red or green then it isn't a vegetable.
Stay tuned: the next post will be his advice about working with weights.
1. Eating healthy is just as important as working out.
2. The most important thing is that you aren't on a 'diet' but instead are changing your eating habits. Diets end and then you go back to bad habits but if you change your habits then you will be successful in the long run.
3. Lots of vegetables (potatoes aren't vegetables, moderate amounts of whole fruits (no juice), whole grains which is different then things which say multigrain. You don't want multigrain, you want whole grains. Oatmeal, whole wheat, brown rice not white rice, and lean meats. also most people have a cheat day once a week but that doesn't mean you eat whatever you want because then you just ruin all the work you did all week. Evcen your cheat should be moderate.
4. Always remember that you have to burn 2500 calories to lose one pound which equals swimming 1 mile, running 12 miles or biking 50 miles.
5. I asked about sweet potatoes and his response was "no sweet potatoes are starches also. If it isn't red or green then it isn't a vegetable.
Stay tuned: the next post will be his advice about working with weights.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I passed the word on about this blog through my regular blog. And I emailed Mary to pass the word on to the rest of her family. So one thing I'm asking is if you read this blog, please leave a comment. It doesn't have to be much. I'd just like to know your thoughts, feelings and anything else you'd like to say. I won't know if you've been here if you don't let me know. I'd also like to know if anyone is taking the challenge with me.
Come on! You all knew and loved Ru. Get off the couch, follow the program, and let's be there together in her memory next year. This is a very doable program. I actually had no clue how far a 5k is until I looked it up this morning. It's 3 miles. We have over a year to get into shape. We can do this. I can do this, but I would love your help, support, inspiration and your body by my side to run.
Come on! You all knew and loved Ru. Get off the couch, follow the program, and let's be there together in her memory next year. This is a very doable program. I actually had no clue how far a 5k is until I looked it up this morning. It's 3 miles. We have over a year to get into shape. We can do this. I can do this, but I would love your help, support, inspiration and your body by my side to run.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Why Am I Doing This?
This website is dedicated to the memory of my daughter-in-law Ruth. Three years ago she started training for a 5K race. She had been walking to lose weight and get in shape. As I recall her sister helped influence her toward the 5K. At the time I was engaged to be married and was going to move and live with them for three months before my wedding. After the wedding I would be living in the same town, so we made big plans. We were going to start walking together and the next year do a 5k together.
The move and the wedding never took place, so I never got the opportunity to work out or be in a face with Ru. But I drove to Provo and watched her in that race, and it was so inspiring to see her face when she crossed that finish line. My son was sooo proud of her for accomplishing her dream. Life is what happens when you're making other plans. Just over one and a half years ago Nick, Ru and their daughter Audrey were killed in a tragic car accident. Our family had a miracle because their daughter, Joie, survived and is a beautiful, healthy little girl today. I have always been sorry that I never ran with Ru.
Last fall I had major surgery on my stomach and my gall bladder removed. When I stepped on the scale two days before surgery I was shocked at how much weight I had gained again. I have spent years doing the yo-yo dieting thing. The doctor had a little chart showing my BMI, and he didn't say a word as he showed it to me. The wonderful thing about the surgery is that it has totally changed my eating habits. I am healthier than I have been in years and have lost 42 lbs. I ride my stationery bike 40 minutes a day and love it.
My favorite show is The Biggest Loser. This season I am working hard along with those people, and it has been fantastic to watch. Last week's episode had all of them running a 1/2 marathon. It was incredibly motivating to watch them accomplish this. The look on their faces as they crossed the finish line made me start thinking of Ru and the 5K I was going to run with her someday. So I set a new goal.
On July 4th, 2010 I will be running a 5K. And the reason this blog is called a challenge is because I am challenging both families to run along with me in memory of Ru. For those who can't come to Provo, just get up that morning and run where ever you can. This challenge is also opened to anyone else that wants to run with us.
I have a wonderful friend, Angela, who is going to run alongside me. We've been friends for years through good times and bad. She shared this website with me which is where we got the idea for the name. There are already five of us following the program.
The official start date is going to be April 1st, 2009. I want to get as many people to do this as possible. This is the place to come for motivation, sharing your failures and successes, and just to chat about what you are doing. So come on, get off the couch and run!!
The move and the wedding never took place, so I never got the opportunity to work out or be in a face with Ru. But I drove to Provo and watched her in that race, and it was so inspiring to see her face when she crossed that finish line. My son was sooo proud of her for accomplishing her dream. Life is what happens when you're making other plans. Just over one and a half years ago Nick, Ru and their daughter Audrey were killed in a tragic car accident. Our family had a miracle because their daughter, Joie, survived and is a beautiful, healthy little girl today. I have always been sorry that I never ran with Ru.
Last fall I had major surgery on my stomach and my gall bladder removed. When I stepped on the scale two days before surgery I was shocked at how much weight I had gained again. I have spent years doing the yo-yo dieting thing. The doctor had a little chart showing my BMI, and he didn't say a word as he showed it to me. The wonderful thing about the surgery is that it has totally changed my eating habits. I am healthier than I have been in years and have lost 42 lbs. I ride my stationery bike 40 minutes a day and love it.
My favorite show is The Biggest Loser. This season I am working hard along with those people, and it has been fantastic to watch. Last week's episode had all of them running a 1/2 marathon. It was incredibly motivating to watch them accomplish this. The look on their faces as they crossed the finish line made me start thinking of Ru and the 5K I was going to run with her someday. So I set a new goal.
On July 4th, 2010 I will be running a 5K. And the reason this blog is called a challenge is because I am challenging both families to run along with me in memory of Ru. For those who can't come to Provo, just get up that morning and run where ever you can. This challenge is also opened to anyone else that wants to run with us.
I have a wonderful friend, Angela, who is going to run alongside me. We've been friends for years through good times and bad. She shared this website with me which is where we got the idea for the name. There are already five of us following the program.
The official start date is going to be April 1st, 2009. I want to get as many people to do this as possible. This is the place to come for motivation, sharing your failures and successes, and just to chat about what you are doing. So come on, get off the couch and run!!
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